Leadership Speech
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Leadership Speech

Looking back, Fang Tongzhou Holdings has come a long way, from working in village-owned enterprises in the 1990s to the subsequent birth of Laibao Steel, Jinding Heavy Industry, Jinding Steel Group, Lu'an Steel Holdings, Jinding Steel Group Coking, and other enterprises. Today, Fang Tongzhou Holdings has developed into a multi-industry cluster group with over 15,000 employees, indirectly driving a local economy of 100 billion yuan and indirectly providing employment for 100,000 people. We are grateful for the policy support given by the country, the trust and support of our partners, and the unremitting efforts of all employees of Fang Tongzhou Holdings.

As a participant, builder, and beneficiary of China's industrialization process, Fang Tongzhou Holdings has gone through more than twenty years of ups and downs, not only promoting the new pattern of the steel industry in Hebei and Anhui but also accumulating its own chapters of struggle and spiritual totems. It can be said that without reform and opening up, there would be no Fang Tongzhou Holdings; without the hard work and dedication of the people at Fang Tongzhou, there would be no development and growth of Fang Tongzhou Holdings. The progress of Fang Tongzhou Holdings is inseparable from the passion, sweat, and innovation of all its members.

We believe that standing at the new historical juncture, Fang Tongzhou Holdings has the ability and confidence to run well during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period and will surely add color to the blueprint of building a modern socialist country and depict its own struggles.


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